Getting kids to eat vegetables II

Ways to Deal with Kids Being Selective in Eating Veggies

Most children prefer taking a run when it comes to eating vegetables. However, they're not to blame since their taste buds perceive them to be more bitter However, there are a few tricks you can ha...

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Tips to get your child to drink milk

4 tips to get your child to drink milk

Do you go through milk-wars everyday, just to feed your kids their daily glass of milk?  Don’t worry! We’re here to solve your milk-time issues, the troovy way! Here are 4 tips to get your child t...

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5 Benefits of Cheese

5 Amazing Benefits of Cheese

Cheese is a very popular milk product that comes with a lot of health benefits. Here we have 5 amazing benefits of cheese.

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How to preserve the natural nutrition of food while cooking?

How to preserve the natural nutrition of food while cooking?

Vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. But their nutrition starts to diminish as soon as they are harvested from the farms. It helps to eat locally available ve...

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