Tips to get your child to drink milk

4 tips to get your child to drink milk

post by Aditya Prakash Singh

Do you go through milk-wars everyday, just to feed your kids their daily glass of milk? 

Don’t worry! We’re here to solve your milk-time issues, the troovy way! Here are 4 tips to get your child to drink milk easily and happily - 

  1. Temperature - Be it warm or cold, the nutrition is the same. The serving temperature should be according to the weather and your child’s preference.
  2. Type - Milk comes in different types like homogenized carton or packet milk, fresh dairy milk, organic milk, cow’s milk, buffalo’s milk - and they somewhat differ in taste. Find the type your child likes!
  3. Add nuts or fruits - Nuts and fruits are packed with fiber and good fats. Try adding almond, cashews or their powders and fruits like apples. They will make it nutritionally yummy! 
  4. If none of these works, then don’t worry! Try giving them milk in other forms like dahi, flavored yogurt, hung curd, cheese, cream, butter. Or you can try adding milk to other dishes like pancakes, pasta, ice cream, sweets, and even vegetable curries.

Milk products like Cheese have four times more Calcium than milk itself! With being exceptionally yummy it has higher amounts of protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B2, B12, and A compared to milk.

Cheese Spread is the talk of the kid’s town. We can’t neglect the fact that kids love cheese! If you see most of the available options in cheese spread you’ll see that they’re laden with additives and preservatives and I am sure that makes many moms iffy about buying them for their kids. But let go of your worries, we present you an all natural, preservative free “Troovy Cheese Spread”. It has 8+ vitamins and minerals and contains 7 vegetables along with cheese. So dump your regular preservative and color filled cheese spread and switch to our all natural Troovy Cheese Spread.

I’m sure these tips will help you make milk time magical and happy. I’ll see you soon with some more milk gyaan!