Salads vs Cooked Sabjis

Salads vs. Cooked Sabjis, which is better?

post by Aditya Prakash Singh

Vegetables as salad or vegetables as cooked sabji - have you ever wondered which is healthier? Let's compare the pros and cons of raw and cooked veggies to find the answer.

Raw vegetables are crunchy and hydrating. They are richer in some nutrients than cooked vegetables. Vitamin C and B are the most unstable nutrients susceptible to getting lost. The nutrient loss depends on the cooking method used and its duration. 

Thus, vegetables like Broccoli, Cabbage, Onions, and Garlic are healthier when consumed raw. 

However, raw vegetables can be hard to digest and are often contaminated with pesticides. They could also have germs like Salmonella! Ew, right?

Cooking helps break down the plant cell walls and fiber in vegetables to be more digestible. It kills the majority of microbial contaminants and degrades residual pesticides. 

But most surprisingly, cooking increases the bioavailability of many nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin E, protein, fiber, zinc, calcium, and iron. Cool, right? And you can pick cooking methods like steaming, roasting, and stir-frying to minimize the loss of other less stable nutrients. 

Vegetables such as Mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes, Carrots, and Potatoes are more nutritious when cooked.

In conclusion, we suggest that you consume your veggies mostly cooked but in the right way. If you want to eat raw veggies, ensure they are pesticide-free and disinfected. 

Remember to eat a rainbow of vegetables every day! The more variety you have, the more likely you will get all the nutrients you need from them.  Try Troovy cheese spread and Tomato Sauce to load up your food with a complete rainbow of vegetables daily. These sauces are unbelievably yummy and made from 100% natural ingredients. So go ahead and make your everyday foods healthier & tastier.

We hope this was useful. If you want more nutrition tips, read our other blog posts! Here’s to always bringing our best to our children!