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how to preserve the natural nutrition of food while cooking?
Vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. But their nutrition starts to diminish as soon as they are harvested from the farms. It helps to eat locally available vegetables. You can also improve your cooking practices to reduce nutrient loss while cooking! To preserve the nutrition in food while cooking, you need to follow the methods that we recommend in - WALDS.
- Wash your veggies before cutting and not after
- Avoid Reheating food
- Large chunks of veggies are better than small
- Don’t remove vegetables’ skin when you can avoid it
- Steam your food vs. boiling
Besides WALDS, another magical way to add extra nutrition of vegetables to your food is to use Troovy cheese spread and tomato sauce. You can make a dosa roll or roti-sabji roll with these sauces. Troovy cheese spread and tomato sauce contain vegetables of all colors and are minimally processed to keep the maximum nutrition intact! Two spoons of these sauces deliver half a serving of veggies.
What’s more? Troovy sauces are 100% natural without artificial preservatives, additives, or unhealthy ingredients.
We hope this was useful. If you want more nutrition tips, read our other blog posts! Here’s to always bringing our best to our children!